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Selling real estate is a significant transaction that involves various steps and considerations. Whether you're a first-time seller or experienced in the real estate market, it's essential to navigate the process carefully to ensure a smooth and successful sale. Here's a seller's guide to selling real estate:


1. Prepare Your Property

  • Before listing your property, make necessary repairs and improvements to enhance its appeal.

  • Clean, declutter, and stage the property to make it more visually appealing to potential buyers.

2. Determine the Right Price

  • Research comparable properties in the area to determine a competitive listing price.

  • Consider working with a real estate broker or appraiser to get a professional assessment of your property's value.

3. Choose a Licensed Real Estate Broker

  • Select a reputable and experienced real estate broker to help you navigate the selling process.

  • A real estate broker can provide valuable insights, market your property, and negotiate on your behalf.

4. Gather Documents

  • Assemble all necessary documents, including property title, tax declarations, survey plans, building plans, tax records, and any warranties or guarantees related to the property.

5. List the Property

  • Collaborate with your real estate broker to create an appealing listing with high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and important property information.

  • Utilize both online and offline platforms to reach a wide audience of potential buyers.

6. Showings and Open Houses

  • Make your property available for showings and consider hosting open houses to attract more potential buyers.

  • Ensure the property is clean and well-maintained during showings.

7. Negotiation

  • Be prepared to negotiate with potential buyers. Your real estate broker can guide you through this process.

  • Consider factors such as the offer price, contingencies, and closing dates.

8. Accepting an Offer

  • Once you receive an offer, review it carefully. Discuss with your broker to determine if any counteroffers or adjustments are needed.

  • After agreeing on the terms, both parties will sign a purchase agreement.

9. Home Inspection and Contingencies

  • Buyers may request a home inspection. Address any issues that arise during the inspection, and negotiate repairs or credits if necessary.

  • Be prepared for contingencies, such as financing and appraisal.

10. Closing Process

  • Work with an attorney to facilitate the closing process. They will ensure all necessary paperwork is completed and funds are exchanged.

  • Attend the closing meeting to sign documents, transfer ownership, and receive payment.

11. Transfer Possession

  • Coordinate with the broker or buyer’s representative to transfer possession of the property on the agreed-upon date.

  • Provide keys, access codes, and any necessary information to the new owner.


Selling real estate involves multiple steps and legal obligations. It's recommended to work with professionals, including a licensed real estate broker and legal advisor, to ensure a successful and legally compliant transaction. Keep communication open with all parties involved to address any questions or concerns that may arise during the process.


Our firm provides comprehensive documentary support exclusively within the province of Cebu, catering to various real estate documentation requirements:

  1. Seamless Transfer of Title Services

  2. Streamlined DAR Clearance Application

  3. Thorough Due Diligence Processes

  4. Estate Tax Settlement





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